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Engineering lessons from the dark side [Whitepaper en inglés]

Whitepaper de Arena

Por Redacción ERP-Spain.com
Actualizado el 30 de diciembre, 2015 - 15.11hs.

If you’re an engineer or Star Wars historian, you probably have questioned the design decisions that doomed the Death Star, wondered how the Dark Side expedited FDA approval for Darth Vader’s suit, and contemplated the supply chain tools the Rebel Alliance’s manufacturing partners used to design products ranging from X-Wing Fighters to Light Sabers.

Well, now all the answers to these product design questions are revealed in Arena’s Star Wars parody eBook. Star Wars most infamous characters candidly discuss how Arena’s cloud-based product lifecycle management (PLM) solution enabled them to design products that changed the galaxy.

So whether you’re building a high tech Death Star or a groundbreaking medical device, Arena simplifies your bill of materials (BOMs), ensures you triumph over the Dark Side of quality failure and eliminates the terrifying introduction of bogus parts that can make you Sith your pants. Read on to discover why innovative product companies across the galaxy say, “Help us Arena PLM, you’re our only hope.”

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