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Accesorios y ropa deportiva francés Chausport selecciona ERP Infor CloudSuite Fashion

Sporting Goods Retailer, part of the JD Sport PLC group, opts for Infor CloudSuite Fashion (M3) to Manage within a Single, Centralised Solution, its Information System

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Actualizado el 28 de julio, 2017 - 19.39hs.

Infor, a leading provider of beautiful business applications specialized by industry and built for the cloud, today announced that Chausport, supported by HereWeGo Consulting, has chosen Infor CloudSuite Fashion (based on Infor M3). After a tender procedure that brought together several solution providers, the Infor solution was chosen for its ability to integrate all the functions of the distributor's information system: from purchases to inventory management and logistics to the management of its stores' supplies. The solution will also cover the delivery of products bought by the customers through Ecommerce.

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