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Experto en ciberseguridad en ERP SAP y Oracle Onapsis crea grupo de investigación

IBM, Deloitte, and Onapsis Creating Standards to Protect Business-Critical Applications in complex cloud migrations and environments

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Actualizado el 28 de julio, 2017 - 16.37hs.

Recognized as one of the top threats to Global 2000 organizations, the security of business-critical applications such as SAP and Oracle is still an emerging space where standards have yet to coalesce. This becomes an even greater issue as these applications are moved to the cloud. To fill this gap, Onapsis, the global experts in SAP and Oracle business-critical application cybersecurity and compliance, and the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) have established the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Security Working Group. CISOs and experts from IBM, Deloitte and other technology leaders will help lead the initiative.

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